Cultivating Love

Faith, hope, and trust cultivate love. Lies and cynicism try to diminish, ridicule, and dismiss those things, but without them we have nothing but fear, anger, hate, division, incessant conflict, and greed.


The outside, our bodies and the culture, is wasting away a little bit more each day; every one of us, everything we build. But the inside, our souls, relationships, and institutions; if we are open, can be renewed every day.


We are shaking the foundations of the “culture of death.” We are dismantling the three pillars of evil: militarism, materialism, and racism.


This movement is about making this world a home where God’s children can thrive in, and for the adventure of what God and his children can do together.


Choices are contagious, the decision to love is no exception, especially since our hearts are drawn to it. Each of us are beloved by God, and made to live in a Civilization of Love animated by God’s limitless strength and love.

Lion King

Mufasa said it best “You are so much more than what you have become. Remember who you are.” Lion King