
Our agenda is the transformation of our culture My platform: Love transforming our national story 1-equality transform national culture- give the government back to the people- national input, citizen servants 2-opportunity transform economy- economic justice,...

Energy Law

When you put your energy into fighting something, you are growing it. Instead put your energy into cultivating something new- the outcome you want to materialize. Any pattern can be undone by shifting the thoughts that created it. But cancellation has become more...

love or chaos?

We’re getting to the point of there being no question that the human race was created intentionally. The question that determines the rest of human history is: are we created lovingly? Because if we are not then all that exists is chaos. But if we are beloved, then...

Power Reveals

Always look at how a person acts when they get power. As Trump rolls over his weak GOP opponents, and leads Biden in the polls, observe the increasingly vulgar tone of his language and dangerous plans for America.

This is your Life

I’ve seen it before I’ve seen many times An impossible task Cut down to size We stand in the breach We fight at the front This is your life. “This is Your Life” The Call


Fear-based propaganda, apathy, distrust and the incompetence of government to keep us safe and do the right thing causes people to isolate; breeding a proliferation of artificially safe gated communities. Loneliness and social isolation are at an epidemic level among...