Follow the Money

Why do you have to get economics involved in this movement? Because there is no Civilization of Love when there is economic injustice, destruction of the planet, destruction of innocent human life for convenience and profit, and insurmountable debt heaped upon future...

9 Month Pregnancy begins

Nine months to go until the US 2024 elections. Every day, until the Election Day, I’m posting bold perspectives, ideas, and solutions that could give birth to a whole new America.,


Let us strive to have more empathy and compassion. Most of us are one bad thought, one mistake away from never coming back to who we really are. Remember how fragile we can all be. We each can easily break and become ghosts in our own bodies.


At least now you have a choice. We can now stand up and say we want love as the cornerstone of our culture and the centerpiece of our society.

Once in a Lifetime

You can get on board the “Civilization of Love” train, but if you refuse or get in the way, history will not judge you honorably.

Can’t say

They can never say- “Oh we tried love, it didn’t work.” It’s never been tried.