
Keep alive our collective conscience, so in the midst of great inhumanity, suffering, and corruption; we may retain our dignity, and choose goodness, forgiveness, and love.

Bridges, not Walls

Human beings defend ourselves at all costs for self-preservation. We are rapidly in many ways building a culture of walls around hearts and territory. We need to build bridges.

What is enough?

What we’ve learned: affluence and economic wealth are not enough, infinite amusement is not enough, infinite information is not enough. Freedom itself is not enough; it’s about what you do with that freedom. We are wired for love and without it, it’s not worth...

Real change

What is needed for real change for the better? In any institution you can only do good when there are people in place to build a Civilization of Love.

Take a side

The Civilization of Love agenda delineation is not male vs. female, rich vs poor, color vs white. It’s love vs no love.

Not Normal

Without the power of love, the splintered, fragmented, divided world feels normal.