
We build a Civilization of Love by reconciling with God, neighbor, creation, and self.

Return to the Route

We can all agree that we need more decency and civility. They are not enough though. Most of all we need love.

Looks Like This

This is what a Civilization of Love looks like: the adults at Brentwood HS, LI NY working with their students, bringing out the best in them to shape an amazing musical production, flawless singing, brilliant dancing, tight pit orchestra, passionate acting. Political,...

Freedom & Love

We are freedom-loving people, with the freedom of loving. There is no true freedom without love and there is no love without freedom.

Any time is the right time

I’ve been told this is not the right time for this message. ANY AND EVERY TIME IS THE RIGHT TIME FOR LOVE. Just because there is a resistance to it, doesn’t mean it should not be spoken, and implemented.

Human Rights

All human beings deserve to live with the right of freedom to choose love.