Go with the flow

Flow of social change: 1-Awareness of deficiency 2-desire for better 3-protest for better 4- movements for change 5-systemic change

Only Human

We are all human, each flawed, and the more you learn history, you see that we are just the latest in a long line. We may be foolish, filled with hatred, malice, jealousy, infidelity, revenge, treason, arrogance, resentment, selfishness, envy, laziness, prejudice,...

Love or Greed?

Do you want a love or greed based social order? They don’t go together. You have to choose.


It is shameful and cowardly to insist that the level of cruelty and injustice in the world is inevitable and cannot be improved.

No one is Insignificant

The modern world tends increasingly to functionalize the satisfaction of human desires, now classified and subdivided among different services. Their illnesses known only in order to cure them, their financial needs only to provide for them, their lack of a home only...