No More

We all know love is not easy, and some are afraid that the commitment to love will exhaust the country. But hasn’t the alternative that we are currently living; an increasingly loveless divided country dominated by fear, anger, hate and greed, already exhausted us?...


We dare to dream big, to rethink our priorities, to create something new that reflects our deepest values and commit our daily lives to.


The hope is where people dig in their heels and say: “this is how it’s going to be here. We care about each other.”


Where is the love? There is no love where the resources are skewed in such a way for the benefit of a few while so many others suffer.


This movement requires a level of courage needed and seen in war. This is facing our own lower instincts and fears. An external enemy can be easier to confront.


How we turn this around: The people you do good with become your allies; those you can trust in the future missions.