The Core

The foundation of this movement of love transcends the various groups that support it. It resides in the human heart, resonating in a way that we know most powerfully that in spite of pressure within and without to do otherwise we strive to live by it.

Keep Hope Alive

“The coward fears everything. The brave, confident man has a hopeful disposition.” Aristotle

Hope for your Children

You want your children and grandchildren to grow up in a society where we strive to live together by the highest code we strive for in our personal lives rather than demonizing and then destroying each other.


“When, in the name of an ideology, there is an attempt to remove God from a society, that society ends up adoring idols, and very soon men and women lose their way, their dignity is trampled and their rights violated. How much suffering is caused by the denial of...


What good is it to go out into space if we have never made the earth a genuine home for all the souls who come here; always remembering that what we do to, for, and with each other it is to, for, and with our God.


Choose decency over disrespect, compassion over contempt, service over ambition, integrity over expedience.