Stop being a prisoner of the past. Become the architect of the future.
Reactive people make love a feeling. Proactive people make love a verb. Love is something you do in the sacrifices you make, the giving of self. Subordinate feelings to values. Love can be recaptured, not sentimental emotion. Tender love is the choice of the...
We have in America diversity like nowhere else on the earth. The children of every country on this planet are here; and when we start to interact with, and feed each other, and help each other, and come up with ideas together, stuff is going to be happening here that...
We are building a brighter tomorrow through courageous action today. Life is never about doing anything perfectly. It’s about doing it lovingly, and in that it becomes perfect.
All of life is interrelated in a network of interdependence, and mutuality. None can fulfill their destiny alone. We are bridging the chasm of fear and hate, reaching towards those who we disagree with.
Announcing a New Trajectory for human history. We are reaching out for what is the best in our people, and building something better; bending the arc of history toward a more free and just world.