Take a good look

We will benefit and shape a more noble culture by deeply examining our lifestyles, relationships, the organization of our society, and the very meaning of our existence.

Intelligent design

“It is more intelligent to hope than to fear, to try than to not try.” E. Roosevelt

Go with the flow

Flow of social change: 1-Awareness of deficiency 2-desire for better 3-protest for better 4- movements for change 5-systemic change

Only Human

We are all human, each flawed, and the more you learn history, you see that we are just the latest in a long line. We may be foolish, filled with hatred, malice, jealousy, infidelity, revenge, treason, arrogance, resentment, selfishness, envy, laziness, prejudice,...

Love or Greed?

Do you want a love or greed based social order? They don’t go together. You have to choose.