Not Conformity

United is not uniform conformity. The syntheses of diverse cultures grows a more vibrant, beautiful world.

Many Identities

In this era of identity politics remember that we have many identities. Let’s focus on our ultimate identities: 1- we are each God’s beloved child 2- we are all members of the human family- beloved by God and created with a beautiful purpose 3- we are members of...

A Big Chunk

We all want to feel that this is our home. But we’re afraid. The greed, stupidity, hate, anger, fear, chaos, corruption, insanity has gone so far that we fear we are irretrievable and this will never be a home. So we retreat into our geographical and digital gated...


There is nothing more beautiful, meaningful, and life-giving than the person doing whatever task is before them radiating with peace, joy and love from within.

Let it go

It’s a big country. There’s a lot of people who don’t think like you do. We don’t have to agree on everything. Let it go. The only hope for healing is to take the ego out of the equation.