
“We need a movement. The only way you honor your prophets is when they fall, you pick up the baton and walk the next mile.” Wm. Barber

Always Action

Love Is A Verb. Love, the feeling, is a fruit of love, the verb. Serve. Sacrifice. Empathize. Appreciate. Feelings follow action. If our feelings control our actions, it is because we have abdicated our responsibility and empower them to do so.

no Victims

Never get stuck in victim mode “They” are trying to get something for nothing. “They” enslaved my ancestors. “They” are ruining my country. When we don’t believe the people running the system are fair we have to resist the temptation to allow ourselves to...

New Ground

“Let us not go over the old ground. Let us rather prepare for what is to come.” Cicero


This really is God’s movement. God’s project. It is our Creator who is shaking us out of our comfort zone towards becoming what our species was made for.