
We can step forward towards a new style of life, rediscovering that we need one another. Our human family can experience a rebirth beyond the walls that separate us.


Freedom, security, opportunity to prosper- everyone wants these things, and the Love Revolution/Civilization of Love movement will lead to the fullest expressions of them.


Are you finished blaming? We’ve got work to do together. You want to join us, great; if not get out of the way. This is about building a country where everything is run through the filter of the greatest good, not what benefits those who have the loudest mouth and...


Stop being a prisoner of the past. Become the architect of the future.

Love is a Verb

Reactive people make love a feeling. Proactive people make love a verb. Love is something you do in the sacrifices you make, the giving of self. Subordinate feelings to values. Love can be recaptured, not sentimental emotion. Tender love is the choice of the...